BPI 13th Anniversary Series: Caring for Local Culture, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia Supports Sea Alms in Roban as Part of CSR Program

Batang – PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) as the owner of the Batang Power Plant again participated as a sponsor in the sea alms event in the Java Sea in the waters of Roban. This event is a form of the company's commitment to carry out the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program to the surrounding community, especially the fishing community in West Roban. This event will take place on July 28-29, 2024.
This lively sea alms event is not only an annual cultural and traditional event for the fishing community, but also an important moment to strengthen the relationship between BPI and the residents of West Roban. The support from this company is expected to have a positive impact on the welfare of the community and the preservation of local culture.
Bangbang Sugino, who is familiarly called Wage, as a Roban fisherman, appreciated BPI's contribution, cooperation and concern through various CSR programs that are carried out regularly every year for fishermen and one of them is the sea alms program which we held on July 28-29, 2024. In addition to caring about local culture, BPI has also provided various CSR programs such as business capital assistance for fishermen, school infrastructure improvements for our children, establishing a village library, and even SME support for fishermen's wives, planting sea cypress and mangroves on the coast of Roban.
"We are very grateful to PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia for the support that has been given. With this support, the larungan or sea alms event can run better and lively. This is a tangible form of the company's concern for the community in West Roban. We hope that BPI's relationship with us will continue and we pray that BPI will always be successful," said Wage in his speech.
Meanwhile, through CSR & Community Relations, Ahmad Lukman, Aryamir Husein Sulasmoro, as General Manager of Stakeholder Relations of PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia expressed his gratitude to the residents of West Roban who always provide support and collaborate with BPI through various CSR programs that have been carried out every year.
"We are very happy to be able to participate in this sea alms event, especially since this moment also coincides with the 13th Anniversary of BPI. BPI is always committed to supporting activities that are useful and have a positive impact on the surrounding community. We also hope that our contribution can provide sustainable benefits and strengthen the good relationship between the company and the community around the Batang Power Plant."
This sea alms event was attended by hundreds of people who were very enthusiastic, including fishermen, community leaders, and local officials. This activity was filled with various interesting events such as boat parades, traditional entertainment, and prayers with Gus Miftah for the safety and welfare of fishermen.
With the support of the Batang Power Plant, it is hoped that this sea alms event can continue to take place every year with more festivity and bring benefits to the people of West Roban and fishermen in general. (*)