BEST Class Program Invites Students to Take a Closer Look at Batang Power Plant

Bhimasena Power, Batang Power Plant - PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) held the BPI Experience Sharing and Teaching (BEST) Class program which gave 50 students of SMAN 1 Subah the opportunity to get a closer look at the operational activities of the Batang Power Plant on Saturday, October 12, 2024. This activity has been carried out for the fourth time by BPI. Previously, several schools such as SMKN 1 Batang, SMKN Kandeman, SMK NU Tulis had the opportunity to visit Batang Power Plant, and this time SMAN 1 Subah had the opportunity to visit.
BPI's General Manager Stakeholder Relations, Aryamir H. Sulasmoro, represented by BPI's CSR & Community Relations Manager Ahmad Lukman, stated that the BEST Class activity was held to provide opportunities for secondary students in Batang Regency to learn more about the high-tech industry around them.
"This activity is the company's contribution in improving the quality of education by providing experience, insight and knowledge as added value for students around Batang Power Plant," said Ahmad Lukman.
Various information was presented by BPI such as the company profile, Batang Power Plant technology, environmental management and monitoring, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs carried out by the Company, and the opportunity for students to have site tour to see firsthand various facilities in the Batang Power Plant area. In addition, BPI also invited students to take part in a photo competition at the high school level with a total prize of three million rupiah and and further information can be seen on the Instagram account @bestclassbatang.
Principal of SMAN 1 Subah Rusmono, represented by Dwi Setiawan M.Pdi, said that this activity really inspired students to be more enthusiastic about learning and make it a provision for the future.
"The students of SMAN 1 Subah are very enthusiastic about this program. We hope this activity can provide direct experience, insight, and knowledge for students about the production process of electrical energy and help students understand the importance of protecting the environment and reducing exhaust emissions from the electrical energy industry," said Dwi Setiawan.
Syifa Nugrahayu, Chair of the Student Council of SMAN 1 Subah, stated that the BEST Class program opened new insights and experiences and gave enthusiasm for higher education, because BPI annually holds a scholarship program for students around the Batang Power Plant.
"As a resident of Batang, I am very happy and proud to be able to take a closer look at the Batang Power Plant, because this power plant is one of the largest in Southeast Asia that uses the latest environmentally friendly technology and is located in Batang Regency," said Syifa Nugrahayu. (*)