Christmas Joy - BPI handed over additional capital assistance to 9 ex-demobilizing construction workers of Batang Power Plant

Sharing the Joy of Christmas, BPI Again Hands Over Assistance to MSMEs Ex-Construction Workers Demobilized in Batang Regency
Bhimasena Power, PLTU Batang – Ahead of Christmas, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) reaffirmed its commitment to maintaining the economic stability of the community in the villages around the Batang PLTU by facilitating nine former demobilized construction workers of the Batang PLTU who have grown their businesses by providing additional working capital on Tuesday, December 24, 2024.
The Batang Steam Power Plant (PLTU) has been operational since August 2022. The construction process of this mega power plant project involves more than 4,000 construction workers from local residents. When the construction work is completed, BPI as the owner of the Batang PLTU does not necessarily let them lose their jobs and become unemployed.
BPI General Manager of Stakeholder Relations Aryamir H. Sulasmoro, represented by CSR & Community Relations Manager Ahmad Lukman said, since the operation of the Batang PLTU in 2022, BPI has provided business improvement assistance in the form of production equipment assistance to one hundred and twenty-seven (127) (MSMEs based on mobilization ex-construction workers, seventy-four (74) of which were given through collaboration with PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (PII).
"Based on the results of identification to potential beneficiaries, there are nine (9) MSMEs whose business potential can develop, so this support is an appreciation and motivation to develop their business even more," said Aryamir H. Sulasmoro.
BPI's General Stakeholder Relations added, ahead of this Christmas, we mean love that unites, strengthens the spirit of sharing and gives birth to new hope. This is also one of our spirits to contribute to the community around the Batang PLTU.
The Head of Karanggeneng Village, Resgianto, thanked BPI for its assistance to the community, especially former workers of the Batang PLTU who have been assisted by their businesses to become independent and it is hoped that the assistance of tools that suit the needs of each MSME can make it easier to run their business and provide for their families' lives.
"Until now, BPI's CSR programs in the fields of economy, health, education, socio-culture and infrastructure have provided benefits for our citizens, and helped the government to improve the economy and prosperity of citizens. We hope that BPI's CSR program will continue to run in order to create a prosperous and independent society," said Resgianto.
Ex-Demobilized Construction Workers from Ujungnegorgo, Ponowareng, Karanggeneng are engaged in various types of businesses, for example sewing businesses, repair and rental services for sound systems, motorcycle repair shops, rice milling services, rice collectors and weighing.
One of the MSME business actors who is a former construction worker of the Batang PLTU, Hanif Fasek Saifudin, a resident of Karanggeneng Village, who opened a Motorcycle Workshop business, said that after stopping working at the Batang PLTU project, I opened a business and have received support from BPI in 2022 in the form of additional capital, and so on. From his efforts, he earns a turnover of approximately three to four million per month that can be used to support his family.
"I am grateful for the concern from BPI because after I got additional capital from BPI, my business has increased smoothly until the number of customers has increased," said Hanif Fasek Saifudin. (*)